Saturday, April 28, 2007

Outreach at Prescott Middle

The outreach at Prescott Middle was incredible. The people there appreciated it so much and tons of people met at the Annex to help. We had a great time! I, being new to Refuge, met some really nice people. We painted bleachers, painted floors, and made over the teacher's lounge. We had the privilege of getting to pray in the teacher's lounge for the school. Today, we made a difference in the lives of the students and teachers at Prescott Middle School. I am so glad God chose us to be able to make a difference in our community. Like I had said, there are so many things we can do right where we live. I am so glad we got the chance to help the people at this school out. They have no money to renovate their school, but we did, and take it from me, it needed it. Every bit of money they receive has to go towards educational resources. Today, we got to go out and show the people around us God's love. That is such a privilege. I look forward to being able to participate in more outreaches in the near future.

Friday, April 27, 2007

Jesus Loves and Accepts You and Me!

I have been feeling like no one understands what I'm going through or can help me cause they've never been there. I have been trying to define myself by how I look and what I'm good at. I am having a hard time just knowing who I am and who I am in Christ. I judge myself by what I think and what others think instead of what God thinks. I got this devotional today and I thought It applied to what I'm going through and thought it might apply to you to. Psalm 139:15-16,Psalm 139:14,16, Ephesians 3:18-19a, and Jeremiah 1:5 are all good verses to reference. It just said you and I are God's masterpieces. Our worth to God is not determined by our appearance or our performance. That's a big relief! God is trying to tell me I am who He says I am not who I think I am, if that makes since.

Refuge was Incredible

On Wednesday night people at Refuge prayed for me to be healed. It was incredible. The service was awesome. Jason told us we're the solution to the problems in our world because Jesus lives in us. He told us how Jesus is the solution for our physical and spiritual needs. I love that he said there are people in America who are homeless and don't get enough food. So often we think of other countries that deal with hunger and poverty. There are people like that in the country we live in. In 1990 in Louisiana 1\4 or 25% of the population was living in poverty. I thought that was pretty crazy. That was only 17 years ago. There are people we can help right where we live. That is why I'm going to help at a middle school tomorrow.