Monday, July 9, 2007

Summer Time

Well, I have been so busy. We had camp two weeks ago. It was interesting. I'm sure I learned more than what I think I did. When it's time to use it I'm sure it will come in handy. I had some thoughts of something I thought was distracting me and I decided to lay it down at the altar, but I ended up not really leaving it there. I just kept doing the same things. Later I still felt like I was stuck, spiritually speaking. I spoke with someone and I decided I really needed to quit chasing after a certain person. I decided pretty much to never speak to him again. That was stupid. I talked about it with my parents and they told me to just put God first and not shun the other person. It sounds like pretty good advice but I'm scared it might still distract me but no matter what I like this person and I think that's just how it's going to be. I want to do the right thing and make sure I put God first. It's a real challenge. Anyway, besides all that I'm trying to overcome being selfish and other things I struggle with.This week I have to help with volleyball camp and have volleyball practice twice. I also have Equip and my duties at the church. It's a challenge to keep up and get enough sleep. Overall life is great! It can get a little crazy and it doesn't help that I over analyze everything, but it's the way I was made. i also just got back from Texas visiting with my family. I have so many things to get done this week, but in three weeks I get to go to Tennessee for a vacation. I'm sure it will be great, but I'll have to play catch up when I get home. then school will be starting again! I'm going to miss all the fun times I get to have with all my church buddies this summer, but I need to quit chasing summer away. See ya soon!


Jesus is Lord said...

You know that the special person could just be your friend! Don't just stop being there friend! I wouldn't like it if you did that with me but then again it's totally different situation in your case. Also girl t's summer aren't you supposed to chilli-ing out not stressing up. Sounds you barely have time for friends and your self and yeas I will be going to Refuge tomorrow do you want to get a ride from me because my mom is offering?

Phillip LeBlanc said...

I like the blog design.


Jason Guidry said...

I like the blog design, too.
