Today...I was Fired up!!!
Well today I was at school, of course. I started talking to Matt Lebrun, a friend of mine from Refuge. He was telling me how some of our friends aren't talking to him because of some stupid stuff. I got really upset and the Holy Ghost like totally took over. It was awesome. I started to tell them something that has been on my heart. I was like I am so sick of people fighting and being against each other as Christians. I said it's not about Refuge or about Uprising or FCA or ANYTHING else. It's about Christ. It's not who went to what party and if they should of or not. It's all about us working together and not only holding hands with our Christian friends but locking arms with them like Mike Haman said. It's about us joining together as one, as ONE body of Christ. It's not about schools or religions or churches. NONE of that matters. We are called to be WARRIORS for Christ. How can we make a difference in our schools or our generation when we're divided? That's totally the devil! He'll do anything to get us distracted, probably over stupid stuff. I'm so tired of it. God has been showing me that lately. I don't care who you are but if you're about Christ you're part of the ARMY. We HAVE to work together. It's not a choice. We are just snowflakes that melt alone, but together we can stop traffic and shut down schools and stuff. We were called for such a time as this. Let's rise together as one putting aside EVERY difference and be ONE ARMY FOR CHRIST! Oh, by the way, on December 6 we're going to Just for Jesus, just thought I'd mention that since I'm on a roll. We're going to all miss school and go worship God with everything we've got. So let's quit fighting and being divided and let's get to work as ONE with God on our side and win our schools and generation for HIM!!!
1 Corinthians 1:10
I have a serious concern to bring up with you, my friends, using the authority of Jesus, our Master. I'll put it as urgently as I can: You must get along with each other. You must learn to be considerate of one another, cultivating a life in common.
1 comment:
Post again. I'm just saying.
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