Saturday, June 2, 2007

Who are You Representing Jesus to?

I read this devotional on my email. It explained how we should represent Jesus. It was incredible thinking about this,“You may be the only picture of Jesus people will ever see.” Or they may form their opinion of God based upon the reputation of our congregations – how we get along, how we support each other, how we criticize, how we love one another. No pressure, right. It sounds like, oh my gosh, people might form a bad opinion about God because of me. But it's really not that bad because God is always going to be there to shine His light through us. We can do it with His help. I put a lot of pressure on myself to always do the right thing, but God working through us is about Him, not about us.(Tori explained that so well that I decided to use it. It's like the ultimate revelation.) We should do our best to represent our Savior well, but it's o.k. if we mess because we're human. God loves us knowing we're going to mess up again. It also explained how are love towards others shows others that we love Jesus.“Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples.” (John 13:35 NLT) It's proof of our love for Jesus. Is there proof in our lives that we love Jesus. God totally slam dunked me on that. By the way, I made the 2007 Freshman volleyball team! I'm so excited! See ya soon.


Jesus is Lord said...

WOW, that was a powerful speach girl! Go ahead with yah bad self!LOL! Anyway congrats on the you making the volleyball team! Also pray for me and keep me in touch with Refuge when I'm going to be gone in Neb. Leave all the messages from Refuge under the one that says GOING AWAY! Any way talk to you later maybe call me if you can sister! PEACE GURL!

Jesus is Lord said...

I leave for Neb. this friday!

Jason Guidry said...

You've heard the term "actions speak louder than words?"

It's like what was said at Closer, what's inside of us is what will come out. If Jesus is inside of us, than it should be evident by what we do, and how we treat others.

Congratulations on making the team. I guess that means more running.


Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! said...

You're definitely right about the running! I had practice today. It was brutal. It was like being thrown in a marathon that never ends. Two hour practices seem like forever.

Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! said...

Jason, you need to ask Phil what's up with the posting about once a month thing.

Jesus is Lord said...

Hey you need to check out my blog I wrote about you! Oh and how come you didn't answer my reply! Guess what? I got to get to shots tommorow! oy vay!

Jason Guidry said...

Phill is...ask me about it Wednesday.
