Wednesday, May 23, 2007

God Always Brings You Back to Your Knees

When I was sick over the weeekend I didn't do my quiet time. This caused me to, I guess, not be as focussed as I usually am on God. I didn't feel like it was bad not to do my quiet time for a couple of days, but yesterday I was so frustrated. I am just tired of being sick and just ready to be healed. I couldn't understand why I was so upset. Every time I start getting out of my routine and not focussing on God as much something always happens to make me refoccus and come fall at Jesus' feet. The weird thing is I didn't feel like I wasn't focussed. All I can think is that God dosen't want me to go backwards in any way. He wants me to get closer to Him even if it causes me some pain. I started reading the Prayer of Jabez book that I have. It talked about asking God to have His hand upon us. I realized if it wasn't for the crazt things I face I wouldn't have to go to God and say, Daddy help me. God always has a way to get us refocussed on Him. I don't really know if this makes since. It made since to me yesterday when I was upset. I'll see you'll tonight.

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