Wednesday, May 2, 2007

God Totally Wants Me to be Thankful

Tonight Refuge was awesome! We watched a movie about Emmy, a boy from Uganda. It was so sad. His dad died of Aids and in the movie his mom also died of Aids. It was crazy. Sometimes we take for granted our parents and think they will always be there. Emmy thought so too. I began to think of how life would be without my wonderful parents. It was really scary. I don't know how I would even make it, all I could think was God would give me the strength. Anyway, it would be horrible. I don't know how anyone could ever go through that and be able to move on and live life to the fullest. Then once again in worship God totally changed my perspective. The song said For your kingdom we will cry, For your orphans we will pray unending, nations will be called, For this is the creed of your generation. It was unbelievable to think about how ungrateful I've been this week. Last week I took care of my mom as she was sick. This week my brother is sick. I have been so jealous. I have been tired of everyone else getting attention. God showed me how these children in Africa have nothing and no parents, and look at me being a selfish idiot. I have sooooooooo much and have so much to be thankful for. Of course I go through things, but nothing in comparison to these children. Plus, when I am struggling God is always is there to help me out, and that makes it all the better. I have not been completely ridded (if that is a word) of my jealousy and self- centered attitude, but at least I've been slapped by God, and He has showed me how crazy I've been acting. I am still battling. My flesh still wants me to be jealous and have a negative attitude, but I'm going to continue to push through and overcome this attitude. Jason also said we should live like Jesus is coming back in 5 minutes. That is so true. We wouldn't want God to show up with us acting like heathens. Let's live as if Jesus is physically watching our every move because He isn't here physically but He does see our every move. We need to work hard to Him proud and make our Jesus look good. One more thing, Angela said we're all united in Christ. That made me feel like no matter what we could worship to the fullest no matter who is around and we are all accepted by Christ. Sometimes I feel like I'm not accepted by anyone around me, but I know God will always accept me. Just think of it this way, Jesus died while we were sinning and He loves us knowing we ARE going to sin again. Isn't that incredible? Please keep Gabby's family in your prayers. She passed away in a car wreck this morning.


Paula said...

cool i am your first comment... welcome to blogging.

you have so many good things to share, i'll be checking it out!!!!

mamma p

Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! said...

Thank you so much for leaving me a comment. I've been waiting to see who was going to leave me a comment and read my blog since I'm new to everything. See you Wednesday.